
Why study in Lyon, France?


Why study in Lyon, France? Studying abroad is a life-changing adventure that broadens horizons, fosters personal growth and opens doors to new cultures. Among the many tempting study destinations, Lyon, France stands out as an enchanting city that offers a wealth of educational and cultural opportunities. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why Lyon … Read more

DSCG registration in France: How to register?

You want to register for the DSCG (Diplôme Supérieur de Comptabilité et Gestion)? In order not to miss any important information and to register in time, you will know all the steps to register for the DSCG !  The national registration procedure for the DSCG requires compliance with specific procedures: here they are!  Conditions of … Read more

Which studies to work in sustainable development in France?

étudiante en développement durable

To work in sustainable development, you must, of course, follow an academic training dedicated to this field with high employment potential. Do you want a career in sustainable development? Here are the different academic paths available to you! #1 BTS in sustainable development in France If you are considering a training program in sustainable development … Read more

The opportunities of the master of science international management in France

Master of Science International Management

The Master of Science in International Management is a professional training program which, thanks to its numerous internship periods in France or abroad, will enable you to launch your professional career. ESAM knows how important it is for you to achieve your professional goals, which is why we support you throughout your program. Through our … Read more