Focus on the International Health Industries and Services Manager training in France

We sometimes forget, but the health sector is not only composed of doctors, pharmacists, engineers, etc.. It is an environment that also needs administrative staff, for example… but also management staff! Yes, the structures and personnel of health services are not managed alone, far from it. So, if you want to work in health without going for a PhD, it is possible. 


The objective of the International Manager of Health Industries and Services program is to train high-level executives specialized in the health industries. They will be able to master and understand the strategic stakes of the company, while moving towards sustainable employability. This indispensable link in the healthcare industry will be an expert collaborator in marketing and regulatory affairs.

The program 

The program offers 2 possible specializations: Marketing or Regulatory Affairs.

  • From October to January, i.e. for 4 months, the courses cover the fundamentals of life in a company. This is a transition between the university and the professional world.
  • In January, a 10-day study trip to the United States allows students to discover the American health care system and to enrich their knowledge and professional network.
  • From February to September (8 to 10 months), students complete an alternating internship, with one week of classes per month. The internship is done in a company in the health sector (drugs, biotech, medical equipment or pharmaceutical laboratory).

Courses of the International Manager of Health Industries and Services program

The first 4 months include the following courses: 

  • Anglais
  • Culture américaine (appui à la préparation au voyage d’études aux USA)
  • Culture chinoise (découverte de la culture d’entreprise en Asie)
  • Finance
  • Intelligence économique et lobbying
  • Management d’équipes
  • Management de projets
  • Stratégie d’entreprise

These core courses provide the management skills needed to work in this specific professional environment. Depending on the specialization, the courses from February to September differ.

The marketing specialization includes the following courses:

Crisis communication
Scientific communication
Medical device marketing
Digital health marketing
Fundamental marketing
Pharmaceutical marketing

La spécialisation affaires réglementaires, quant à elle, offre les cours suivants :

  • Crisis communication
  • Scientific communication
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Medical device marketing
  • Digital health marketing
  • Fundamental marketing
  • Pharmaceutical marketing

Both specializations provide real practical experience, thanks to collaborative work with partner pharmaceutical companies (Sanofi, Pasteur, bioMérieux); but also thanks to modules taught in the form of case studies, business games, or group work; and finally thanks to the sharing of experiences with professionals.

Admission requirements for the International Manager of Health Industries and Services program

By completing a master’s degree in health management and marketing, you are embarking on a one-year MSc course (bac + 4). This training is accessible after :

  • a 5th year of pharmacy in industry 
  • a minimum of a Master 1 in biology, biochemistry or health engineering 
  • a health/biomedical engineering diploma

Jobs available in France

After graduating from the International Manager of Health Industries and Services program, our students have a wide range of careers to choose from: Regulatory Affairs Project Manager; International Regulatory Affairs Specialist; Regulatory Affairs Officer; Regulatory Affairs Manager; Product Manager; Marketing Director; Range Manager; Marketing Research Officer; Business Developer…